
Anagram – Marco Signorini

From 2013 Marco Signorini has been working on the potential power of digital technology, driving his research into the fertile land of a new reality that performs the universe we inhabit. His method, tranfert from the computer, considers the digital as a constitutive part of the image. As in the combining game of the anagram, the algorithm of the selected application creates an original photography. In this way an ongoing transformation is true, and it could be verified just in the moment of the choice, the real digital event. The image that could now be generated, not only is the mirror of the strong indetermined logic of quantum theory, but also it abandons more and more the figurative perception of the reality in order to correspond to a world no more made of facts, but built on things.


Marco Signorini, from the series Anagram, 2015 – ongoing

© Marco Signorini