

On May 6th, the exhibition “Buddha10 Reloaded” was inaugurated at the MAO – Museum of Oriental Art in Turin. The exhibition features a renewed setup with new sound installations, videos, performances, woodcuts, and site-specific artworks.

Starting from the MAO’s collection of Buddhist art, the exhibition aims to start a dialogue on issues related to Asian collections within the Italian and European context. “Buddha10 Reloaded” brings the public’s attention to themes concerning Eastern ritual and religious objects, showcasing Buddhist sculptures never presented before from the MAO’s collection, as well as innovative artworks created for this occasion using new technologies and contemporary art practices.


© Wu Chi-Tsung, Drawing Studies – MAO Bodhissatva Guanyin, Ming – Ging Dynasty, 2022, realized for the exhibition Buddha10, 2022-2023, MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale, Turin
Single Channel Video Installation, 26’ 8’’ loop

More information: Museo d’Arte Orientale
Dates: May 6 – September 3, 2023